Monday, March 21, 2011

Charlotte's Web

Well the PSSAs are over, and I must say that our class truly ROCKED those tests!! We are now back on track with our normal academic schedule, however all of our Vocabulary and comprehension tests are coming from the famous chapter book, Charlotte's Web, by E. B. White.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

PSSA week!

Last Reminder!!!

Students will be taking the PSSA’s beginning TOMORROW, Monday, March 14th. Please have your children get plenty of sleep and rest this week. A healthy breakfast is also important for them to do and feel their best! The children are truly ready and we believe they will do well!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The students worked so hard on a Personification Project! They needed to take an object or animal and make it seem human! Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Rock the PSSAs!

This is our final week to prepare for the PSSAs! We get to wear some fun clothes this week to symbolize certain aspects of our test taking strategies!

Wednesday March 9th – 50/50 Day!
Wear your camouflage or green to eliminate those wrong answers. When we eliminate two choices, we have a 50/50 chance of being correct!

Thursday March 10th –Darken Your Bubble Day!
Wear your black or any dark color to remind yourself to darken your bubble completely!

Friday March 11th –Thinking Cap and
Wear your hat to remind yourself to use your “thinking cap!”

Students will be taking the PSSA’s beginning Monday, March 14th. Please have your children get plenty of sleep and rest particularly during our test days. A healthy breakfast is also important for them to do and feel their best! The children are truly ready and we believe they will do well!

Here are some pictures of our FUN and EXCITING PSSA JEOPARDY Game that we will play this week to prepare!