Friday, November 26, 2010

Light-Up Day

Light-Up Day was better than ever this year! The students had a wonderful time decorating their own gingerbread houses and making different Christmas crafts to decorate our hallway gingerbread house!

Enjoy the pictures I posted.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bully Free Day!

Tomorrow is our Bully Free Day. This will be celebrated all over the nation to remind everyone how important it is to stop bullying. Please have your child wear their school colors or purple. The teachers will be wearing purple Anit-Bullying tshirts tomorrow, and each student will receive a purple ribbon to wear around their wrists.

The students have really enjoyed working in Learning Centers over the past two weeks! This is something that will be utilized more frequently as the year continues. The students really impressed me with how well they can work in groups. Here are some pictures of our Learning Centers.
In the "Success Seekers" Center, the students focused on Synonyms and Antonyms.
The "Grammar Guru" center is always geared toward the Grammar concept of the week. In this picture, the students are practicing abbreviations.
The students read leveled readers and answer the "Think Critically" questions at the "Teacher Town" center.
The "Vocabulary Voyager" center is used to master the vocabulary words of the week. The students warm up with a review worksheet and then challenge each other with the vocabulary game board!
"Sidekick Readers" is a center used to read over the story of the week and answer questions that similar to questions that will be seen on the comprehension test.

"Technology Tacklers", also known as the computer center" is always the students favorite center! The students work on interactive website that focus on every concept of the week.     

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Congratulations to Ariel Hall for being an exceptional student! Ariel is the Star Student for this week!

One More Full Week Before Thanksgiving!

Can you believe we have one full week until Thanksgiving? This year is truly flying by! Thank you to all families for sitting down to complete the Thanksgiving Acrostic Poems! They truly look wonderful and the students were very proud of their work. There are some pictures of their posters at the bottom of this post!

This week, we will be focusing on Singular and Plural nouns! Even though this can be a touch concept, the students really have fun working on all of the activities! I hope you enjoy reading the story of the week with your child. It is a great story about sharing and helping others...which is perfect to read right before Thanksgiving.

Please remember that our LIGHT UP DAY is next Wednesday! Please send in any decorations that you would like! You can send in decorations for our Christmas tree, or our hallway. Please keep in mind our Gingerbread theme!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The week ahead...

This week, we will be focusing on Main Idea and Details. This concept can be very difficult for some students, so we will be practicing this a lot. We will also be concentrating on abbreviations, spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Thanksgiving Acrostics are due Friday! Please be sure to take some time to complete this as a family.

Last week, the students really enjoyed working on Common and Proper Nouns! Here are a few pictures of the class working on an activity that helped master Common and Proper Nouns!

Star Student of the Week!

Congratulations to Kaedon Hill for being an exceptional student! Austin is the Star Student for this week! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our week...

Thank you so much to all of the parents who took time out of their day today and yesterday to come meet with me or call for conferences! I am a firm believer that the more parents and teachers communicate, the better!

Just a reminder, we will be testing Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, and Comprehension this Friday, even though we have a four day week. Please be sure to look over those Vocabulary sentences on Thursday night! I hope you enjoy reading "The Babe and I" with your child this week. It is a very touching story to share with your son or daughter.

Luckily, next week will finally be a normal 5 day week!

Lastly, I wanted to add another Bullying Link. This is a great website that you and your child can navigate around on to learn more about bullying and how to prevent it.


We had such a blast on Friday, when we celebrated Halloween!! Enjoy the pictures that I took throughout the day!
In the above picture, the students LOVED making gross, icky, slimy SNOT! 

 What a SCARY class!!

The students got in groups and had to choose one person to mummify! Everyone had a blast!