Monday, September 27, 2010

Subject and Predicate

This week we are working on a very difficult concept in Grammar. Subject and Predicate seem to give third graders some difficulty, so we will be spending 2 whole weeks on this. I will be sure to have helpful hints at the top of most of the homework worksheets on Subject and Predicate. The students have learned a few ways to label the sentences and also these helpful hints! Please use the following powerpoint in this link to help assist with homework!

 Subject and Predicate Powerpoint  
(We have not discussed Compound Subject and Predicate yet, but will be getting there in a few weeks!)

Helpful Hints:
Subject (or simple subject) is the noun that the sentence is mainly about. 
        SUBJECT = NOUN
Predicate (or simple predicate) is what the subject is or does.

School pictures are this Thursday! Be sure your child comes to school with a bright smile!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Congratulations to Sierra Stritzinger for being an exceptional student! Sierra is the Star Student for this week!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Congratulations to TYLER PADEZAN for being an exceptional student! Tyler is the Star Student for this week!

Class Picture

Blasting off!!

The students really enjoyed playing "Spell Jump" and vocabulary board games! Enjoy the pictures added below of the class practicing their spelling words! This past week the students were able to see the pace we will be working in class. Like I stated in the last post, TEST DAY will be on Fridays. Since we will not have school this up coming Friday, we will be testing next Tuesday instead.

This week we will receive new vocabulary and spelling words for the week, and will also read out new story, "The Day Eddie Met The Author". We will continue working on the four different types of sentences in grammar. Here are some helpful hints:

Statement - A sentence that tells something and ends with a period.
Command - A sentence that tells someone to do something. Ends with a period or an exclamation point.
Exclamation - A sentence that shows emotion and ends with an exclamation point.
Question - A sentence that asks something and ends with a question mark.


Spell Jump Pictures

Friday, September 10, 2010

Great first week!

Wow, what an amazing first week of school! All of the students have really shown me they are ready to focus and dive into our Reading series. This upcoming week (Sept. 13-17), we will begin our first story of the year, Ruby the Copy Cat. This is a great story about friendship and how special everyone is in their our unique way.

We will be easing into grammar with a simple review of "what a sentence is" and the different types of sentences (statement, command, exclamation, and question).

Our first vocabulary, spelling, and comprehension tests will be on friday. Please remember to review vocabulary and spelling words nightly!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.